
(2013 Top 10 Story) The mystery of the Malaysian Govt and its rejection by Facebook
In the first six months of this year, the Malaysian Government made seven requests for information, covering 197 Facebook user accounts, all of which were rejected by the social network company. What's worrying is that the Malaysian people have no idea which agencies made these requests, and for what reasons, writes A. Asohan.
Facebook to use CA technologies in its global data centres
CA Technologies said that Facebook Inc is using CA DCIM (CA Data Centre Infrastructure Management) software to bring together millions of energy-related data points from physical and IT resources in its global data centres.
Banning technology just isn’t the right remedy
Edwin Yapp tells us why banning a chat app isn't going to stop illicit activity in real life.
Privacy lenses pointed at Snapchat
Snapchat is a hip and happening mobile app, and you’ve probably heard of it, though not necessarily in flattering terms if you are interested in security, writes Paul Ducklin.
Are the websites you’re using tracking what you type?
Any sufficiently motivated website owner can track more or less everything that happens on his webpage – this has been true from the beginning, writes Lisa Vaas.
Singaporeans vulnerable on social media: Trend Micro survey
A survey of 2,110 consumers in Singapore found that one in four post on their social networks every single day, but merely 40% have profiles limited to friends only. Furthermore, 25% admitted to only knowing half of their Facebook friends in real-life.
Axiata starts its ‘digital company’ reinvention
300-strong unit created to propel journey, expected to take more than 5yrs Adding technology layer easy, getting the right culture tougher, CEO admits
Security weaknesses must be shared openly: Facebook CSO
The long-held belief that it is better for IT security vulnerabilities to be kept under wraps and not shared between organisations and the security community is flawed, as such a practice could be detrimental to the industry as a whole, according to Facebook’s security head.
Disrupt #11: Hacker lessons from the Valley
Describing himself as “a nerd who loves people, likes giving people hugs on sight, a trouble-maker with run-ins with Stanford Network Security – among others,” David E. Weekly is heading to Kuala Lumpur this week and will be a panellist on the 11th DNA-TeAM Disrupt.
Telenor’s Asia CEO Brekke on OTT and spectrum re-farming
Armed with the lessons from telcos in the west, Telenor’s Asia executive vice president Sigve Brekke feels that telcos in Asia have the upper hand when the likes of Facebook and Google come knocking.
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