Gobind Singh Deo

Making high-speed internet more affordable for Malaysians
CFM believes that consumers have the right to better quality internet access that can help shape Malaysia into an advanced information society.
MDEC calls on local creative industry to get more Kre8tif
The animation and creative industry gathered at MDEC’s annual conference to be inspired and celebrate the achievement of Malaysian creative industry
Alibaba Cloud continues to invest in Malaysia
Launches second availability zone and the first cloud-based Anti-DDoS Scrubbing Centre.
Clarion call for mentors sparks Digerati50 networking session
The connectedness in the Malaysian digital ecosystem  is still very much siloed and is government or agency led. There must be a way to bridge all SMEs, professionals and investors.  
Gobind moves to accelerate Malaysia’s digital economy
Communications and Multimedia minister explains how his plans go beyond faster and cheaper.
Week in Review: Let’s not put Alibaba on a pedestal
Alibaba’s initiatives into Malaysia should be judged on the positive impact they have on businesses and not on its rhetoric.
TM share price down 11% after broadband price cut announcement
Telekom Malaysia’s share price sees biggest fall among telco stocks following ministry announcement on lower broadband prices.
Fixed broadband prices to drop by 25%
Minister of Communications and Multimedia Gobind Singh Deo says prices will drop by year-end.
Lawyers for Liberty crank up heat on MCMC
Lawyers for Liberty urge new Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Minister to investigate Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission for wrongdoings.
Pikom welcomes Gobind Singh Deo as Communications and Multimedia Minister
Emphasises the importance of the government’s continued support for the industry so no momentum is lost.
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