
What Malaysia bought from spyware maker Hacking Team
The Hacking Team leaked emails should concern every Malaysian citizen: They show not only possibly illegal actions by certain of our government agencies, but also a scary degree of incompetence, writes Keith Rozario.
Google ‘hack’: Malaysian domain register MYNIC breached again
Malaysian domain registrar MYNIC Bhd has confirmed that there were unauthorised modifications at its Domain Name Server (DNS) for several major websites, including Google Malaysia and Yahoo Malaysia, on April 14.
Former hacker Kevin Mitnick to speak at CeBIT 2015
Security consultant Kevin Mitnick – at one time the world’s most famous, or infamous, hacker – will take centrestage this year at the CeBIT Global Conferences, part of the CEBIT trade show that will be held later this month in Hannover, Germany.
Sony Pictures hack the ‘perfect APT story,’ says ESET
The Sony Pictures Entertainment hack was an incident that one could only be described as the 'perfect Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) story,' according to Juraj Malcho, the chief research officer for ESET.
Black hat hackers will be more sophisticated in 2015: Fortinet
As the number of devices connected to the network increase, cybercriminals will continue to hone their prowess when it comes to IoT (the Internet of Things) attacks and advanced evasion techniques, while also continuing to exploit large-scale server-side vulnerabilities for financial gains and other nefarious purposes.
HITB now out to hack the conference experience
After pioneering the space locally and globalising its homegrown security conference, the Hack In The Box (HITB) crew is now planning its next big ‘hack’ – transforming the concept of how conferences are run.
Dropmysite rolls out mobile data backup and security app
Dropmysite has rolled out its Dropmymobile app, designed to safeguard users’ mobile data.
Hacker economics: Three cost-effective ways to tackle them
In the wake of numerous successful attacks on major companies, Juniper Networks’ Greg Bunt discusses how long it takes to tackle hackers and important techniques to frustrate them, waste their time and make them move on – without the need to go through costly technicians.
Can we please start taking cyber-security seriously? (Updated)
The new year was marked by the defacement of several Malaysian websites, including those belonging to government agencies. While the incident did not result in sensitive or monetary data being stolen or leaked, the defacement of so many websites just raises more questions about the real state of IT security in the country, writes Gabey Goh.
The day Malaysia painted a bull’s eye on itself
While the systems at a major telco had just been breached, a minister expresses his confidence that Malaysia is savvy enough to fend off cyber-attacks and essentially issues a challenge to hackers, writes A. Asohan.
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