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Melalui satu pintu, cara baru registrasi kartu perdana
Mulai 15 Desember registrasi kartu prabayar melalui 4444 tidak diberlakukan lagi Retail outlet yang tidak memiliki ROID akan dikenakan sanksi
Potensi besar, Lintasarta luncurkan layanan kesehatan digital
Market size industri kesehatan di Indonesia tahun 2014 mencapai Rp340 triliun Lewat Owlexa, Lintasarta targetkan 100.000 pelanggan pada tahun pertama
Trik operator pertahankan loyalitas pelanggan
Ada banyak cara yang ditempuh operator telekomunikasi demi mempertahankan loyalitas pelanggannya. Tidak dapat dipungkiri jika tingkat perpindahan pelanggan ke operator lain (churn rate) di Indonesia terhitung tinggi, yakni mencapai 11 hingga 20 persen per bulan.
Hadapi era 4G LTE, siapkah ekosistem industri telekomunikasi Tanah Air?
Adopsi teknologi komunikasi 4G (fourth-generation) yang tengah digenjot pemerintah dan industri telekomunikasi mulai memasuki babak baru. Meski komersialisasi akses 4G-LTE belum merata, namun layanan ini secara bertahap bisa dinikmati masyarakat di seluruh Indonesia.
Indosat gandeng Twitter lewat #TwitBuy
PT Indosat Tbk dan Twitter secara resmi mengumumkan kerjasama mereka dengan menawarkan layanan baru bernama #TwitBuy. Layanan ini memberi kemudahan bagi pelanggan Indosat untuk membeli dan memperpanjang paket Internet, telepon, dan SMS.
South-East Asia’s IoT market ripe for the picking: Pundit
Despite the diversity of the economies in South-East Asia, the region is ripe with opportunity for IoT players to enter, and drive adoption and development.
Singapore’s Tech in Asia raises US$4mil in Series C funding
Singapore-based startup blog Tech in Asia said it has secured a total of US$4 million in funding, led by the SB ISAT Fund which counts SoftBank and Indosat as partners.
Indosat and Smaato launch RTB-enabled mobile ad exchange in Indonesia
Jakarta-based Indosat, a member of the Ooredoo Group, and San Fransisco, California-based Smaato have announced the launch of their joint venture called Indonesia Mobile Exchange (IMX) in Indonesia, which they claimed is the world’s first digital exchange platform for mobile advertising with Real-Time Bidding (RTB).
Ooredoo’s Indosat and Facebook launch in Indonesia
Indosat and Facebook have partnered to launch in Indonesia, aiming to make the Internet more accessible through a set of basic services, including health, education, social media for communications, and news.
Wobe: Entrepreneurial tech for disadvantaged women in SEA
At its core, Wobe is a micro-business app with an e-wallet, designed to make it easy for anyone with a smartphone and mobile Internet access to start a business – its greater vision however is to build tech that can benefit women in South-East Asia, writes Gabey Goh.
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