
Digerati50: Victor Chua plays Robin to all his Batmen
One founder trait that stands out is humility, 'you will learn, adapt & evolve' Helping multiple entrepreneurs in solving multiple problems at the same time
Digerati50: Thomas Tsao, championer of TaqwaTech
Thomas Tsao, along with Gobi Partners, which he is a founding partner of, has been able to help shape the tech startup scene in ASEAN. The VC firm also coined TaqwaTech – Muslim-serving tech startups – which Gobi and Thomas are heavily pushing.
ScaleUp Malaysia announces 11 investments in its Cohort 3
ScaleUp Malaysia, in partnership with Quest Ventures, Indelible Ventures, and Mranti signalled the culmination of its third cohort with the unveiling of its selection of top startups.
MDEC, Asean Fintech Group to help fintechs scale
MDEC, in collaboration with ASEAN Fintech Group, have announced a strategic partnership to enhance initiatives aimed at scaling up Malaysian fintech companies. 
Inaugural Top in Tech Innovation 2021 winners will inspire peers, spur innovative mindset
Strong pool of hitherto unknown startup finalists hints at depth of ecosystem Ganesh Bangah: ‘I think we will be entering golden age of tech in Malaysia’
Cyberview Living Lab Accelerator demand-led cohort registers strong investment interests following demo day
The Cyberview Living Lab Accelerator 2021 Demo Day saw five bright homegrown startups pitch their innovative digital solutions to investors and venture capitalists (VC), in a virtual session held by Cyberview Sdn Bhd.
Altair poised to advance Malaysia with advanced tech through NTIS
Altair is now a technology partner of the National Technology and Innovation Sandbox, an initiative under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
For innovation to work, businesses need roadmap to track progress, plus supportive environment
Under current economic landscape, being pioneer no guarantee of market survival Businesses must innovate to improve efficiency, enhance their place in value chain
Former Founders of Streaming Platform Viki, Launch Venture Builder For Startups Across Southeast Asia
Moving projects to Singapore as home base to commercialize Invest in SEA startups, create new incubation system, bringing business models
​​Mavcap expands opportunities for local, regional startups
Malaysia’s largest venture capital firm, Malaysia Venture Capital Management Berhad (Mavcap) has announced the launch of two new venture funds that will invest in tech startups in the country and Southeast Asia.
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Digerati50 2020-2021

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