Author: A. Asohan

TeAM to take on Apple in trademark issue, calls for evidence
The Technopreneurs Association of Malaysia (TeAM) will take on the fight to prevent Apple Inc from registering the word ‘Startup’ as a trademark in Malaysia, and is calling on all companies and individuals to support it with evidence.
Facebook’s ‘Internet for all’ – Asean challenges
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has launched a global partnership called which aims to make Internet access available to ‘the next five billion people,’ but the noble initiative may find some challenges in this part of the world, A. Asohan reports.
Apple ‘startup’ trademark: Don’t panic, says expert; TeAM holding talks
The possible registration of the trademark ‘Startup’ in Malaysia, first reported by Digital News Asia last Friday, has created quite a buzz over the past few days, especially among technology enthusiasts and media worldwide.
Disrupt: Easier to sell to overseas clients than local ones
Malaysian startups may find it easier to sell to overseas customers than their fellow Malaysian companies, which may be due to a lack of confidence in local capability or the more risk-averse nature of decision-makers here, said panellists at the recent DNA-TeAM Disrupt discussion.
The Ballmer hate: In the end, he was only human
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, who has announced he will be resigning, has had to deal with unfair criticism of his leadership at times, but ultimately, the market will out, writes A. Asohan.
Microsoft CEO Ballmer to quit within a year, successor yet to be named
Microsoft Corp chief executive officer Steve Ballmer has announced his intention to retire within the next 12 months, after he has chosen his successor. morphs into social travel portal
Creative Advances Technology Sdn Bhd (CAT) has revamped its portal to take advantage of the user-generated content (UGC), social media and crowd-sourcing trends, in time for Visit Malaysia Year 2014.
Challenges and opportunities aplenty for Microsoft in Malaysia
Microsoft Malaysia's new managing director Carlos Lacerda tells DNA that his No 1 concern is building capacity and capability in his team so that the subsidiary can not only contribute to the country's transformation agenda, but tap the opportunities as well.
Microsoft Malaysia MD: Not here to clean up, but to build on
Microsoft Malaysia has seen a very high turnover of staff, but its managing director Carlos Lacerda says he is not here to clean up the subsidiary but to prepare it for the challenges ahead.
ICT acronyms: What’s hot, what’s not
The ICT (there’s your first one) industry is notorious for its acronyms, but it pays to put some effort into coming up with proper ones, writes A. Asohan.
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