Author: A. Asohan

GES: Obama to address role of youth and entrepreneurship
US President Barack Obama, who is scheduled to deliver the keynote address at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) in October in Kuala Lumpur, will speak about the importance of entrepreneurship, particularly for young people, in driving economic progress.
Obama probably won’t snub Putin despite Snowden’s asylum
A White House advisor tells Malaysian media that President Obama will probably go ahead with a meeting with President Putin despite Russia's granting asylum to whistleblower Edward Snowden, amidst more revelations of spying programmes in Asia Pacific.
Vigilante social media group can only work if no double standards
The ‘Sensible and Ethical Malaysian United Troopers’ (Semut) group said it will monitor social media for sensitive remarks or comments 'that can be harmful to society,' but it must prove it does not practise the double standards that Malaysian authorities do, writes A. Asohan.
‘Owe$ome’ Malaysian team at AngelHack looking for sponsorship
Owe$ome, the team of Malaysian developers which won the local leg of AngelHack, touted to be the world’s biggest hackathon, is seeking sponsorship and support from individuals and organisations as they prep to compete against the world’s best in Silicon Valley.
MDeC moves to address enterprise app white space
MDeC has set its sights on enterprise app market opportunities, announcing that the latest iteration of its app developer programme will focus on such apps and that it would also be conducting a baseline study of the market in Malaysia.
Disrupt on e-commerce: ‘AirAsia broke down barriers’
The July DNA-TeAM Disrupt panel session on e-commerce in Malaysia saw even arch-nemeses agreeing with each other as they discussed the market potential and challenges that lay ahead.
The TPP: Good or bad for Asia’s rising digital economies?
The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement is either going to allow emerging nations to reap rich benefits, or put them at the mercy of large foreign multinationals. Opinions are polarised, so Consumers International and DNA are hosting a free public debate between proponents and opponents.
About 35% of A&P budget at MAS goes to digital
It may be a traditional old business, but Malaysia Airlines understands the value of digital, with 35% of its overall A&P budget typically going online, says its A&P head Khairul Syahar Khalid.
Week in Review: Trust, security and standards, or lack thereof
It was a week that was all about security, trust and standards in the online sphere – and quite a bit about the lack of all these when it comes to Malaysia, writes A. Asohan.
MCMC a ‘toothless tiger’ and other Parliament shenanigans
Again, a ruling politician attempts to get the Malaysian Government to rein in and control social media -- and again, shores up his argument by pointing to non-existent laws in other countries, writes A. Asohan.
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