Sophos announces latest release of MDM solution
Sophos has announced the latest version of its mobile device management solution, Sophos Mobile Control 2.5, which comes with an updated web-based administrative console and extensive new feature set, paving the way to bring BYOD into the enterprise quickly, safely and securely.
‘Apple has its head in the sand’
The continuing adoption of iPads in the enterprise space has created a new weak link in security which Apple Inc continues to downplay or ignore. Dr James Lyne, director of technology strategy at Sophos, does not mince words, saying, ‘When it comes to security, Apple has its head in the sand.’
Gen-Y ‘BYOD’ workers have low regard for corporate IT security
Generation Y workers who are used to their own devices and coming into the workplace for the first time have very low consideration for corporate IT security, with almost one in two Asian employees in a recent survey saying they would contravene a company’s security policy that forbids them to use their personal devices at work or for work purposes.
Security top concern in age of mobility: Trend Micro
Trend Micro Inc said it has seen Android-based smartphones suffer from increasing cybercriminal attacks and more enterprises exposed to malicious IT threats due to the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) trend.
HP solutions to help SMBs prep for mobile workforce
HP has announced new offerings to help small and medium businesses (SMBs) prepare their technology infrastructures for a growing mobile workforce.
As mobile usage grows, so should security: IDC
Enterprises need to review their mobile security policies as mobile banking and payments increase in popularity, according to IDC Financial Insights.
Sophos offers its partners complete security suites
Sophos has rolled out new Complete Security Suites that offer its partners the tools they need to help their clients address the evolving security challenges IT departments are facing due the consumerization of IT, the rise of advanced persistent threats, and an increase in malware.
The ‘hidden’ Microsoft comes to the Surface
Last week, Microsoft unveiled two tablets powered by its upcoming Windows 8 OS that largely wowed a skeptical tech audience, throwing the gauntlet not only at Apple and Google, but also at its own OEM partners.
Post-PC era: Three implications for CIOs, IT leaders
CIOs and IT leaders must address three key implications of the “post-PC” era as workforces and consumers increasingly access IT applications and content through mobile devices, according to Gartner.
The coming of BYOD and its challenges
While the bring your own device (BYOD) phenomenon is beginning to gain traction in the enterprise world, several impediments still stand in the way of the trend becoming a mainstream adoption, say industry watchers. This is the continuation of a free story first featured on DNA yesterday. 
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